For the Employer

We find the right people for the right Job.

Hiring for the Long Term

Let us manage the complexities of the hiring process by creating more effective job descriptions and collecting CV’s from a wide and qualified talent pool. We make hiring simple by shortlisting candidates through innovative screening techniques (personality matters!), conducting background checks and consulting on final selection. Our streamlined process will save you time and money in both the short term and the long term via employee retention.

Extended DISC® Individual Assessments

Our certified DISC assessors teach you how to leverage employee strengths and improve employee placement based on hardwired behavioral styles. By utilizing the proven DISC methodology, GEG Staffing can also help your employees become more successful by improving their communication, productivity and conflict resolution skills. Inquire today to learn more about how GEG Staffing can set your team up for long-term success.

Payroll Made Easy

We manage all aspects of your payroll to ensure your employees are happy and your company is in compliance with local regulations and tax laws. We work with you to understand your employee benefits package as well as assist your employees with work permits and visas. We offer payroll services at reasonable rates for businesses of all sizes.

Trainings & Workshops

We provide on-demand custom training to meet the demands of the current job market while preparing your team for the future. Your organization needs to continuously evolve to meet industry demand. Whether its learning a new software system or leveraging technology to increase productivity, GEG Staffing can provide you with internationally renowned, certified subject matter experts to help your company grow and increase capacity.

 Need something else? Please fill out the form and a GEG Staffing team member will contact you directly.